Monday, September 8, 2008

Home on the Range

I have been thoroughly enjoying my time at home since my return from Beijing. I am taking a temporary break from shooting and using this time to catch up on mail, email, and phone calls I have missed over the past month. AND spend some time with friends an family that I have been unable to see or get together with over the past year or so.

A very good friend of mine, Erika, will be getting married next month. So I visited with her for a couple days over the weekend. I haven't seen her much this year since she lives in another city. And after her ceremony she will be leaving for Japan for three years where her husband will be stationed. It was wonderful just getting to be together and go to church, then to the mountains to hike and hunt for prairie dogs.

I've also been working in the office at our dance studio and trying to get organized after being at the Games and bringing so much back with me. I will need to get going on my scrapbooking immediately! I was home for my mom's birthday which was wonderful! I missed her so much while I was in China! I would call on the phone lines the USOC provided the American athletes and just talk to her for as long as I was allowed. She faithfully emailed me while I was in China both before and after my competition. She is a great source of support to me.

What Now?
Now that the Games are completed, I get the next few months to regroup, have some time off and travel. Next week all the girls in my family will be going on a road trip! We will drive to the east coast visiting friends and prospective colleges on the way there and back. I plan on beginning school (finally) in January. I held off from college after high school to pursue my archery ambitions. I didn't know I would continue to train and compete for the next Olympics when I finished in Athens. I have completely enjoyed the last 7 years I devoted to archery. But I realy know it's time for a change in my life and look forward to living in a new place and going to school. I am still undecided in what major and what school. But I know I will continue to shoot whenever not studying and compete as much as possible. I am excited about incorporating something new in my life, and expanding my perspective of my future. I can tell the Lord has been preparing my heart because I am not one for loving change. But, for the first time, I feel ready to move on and begin a new chapter. I don't know what the Lord has in store for the next several years, but I am thrilled to be following His path. I am praying for direction.

But when it comes to the Olympics... I believe I will be back to train full time and pursue London in 2012. The Olympics are kind of addicting. The thrill and excitement, the people you meet and the incredible memories are priceless. So... we will see what happens. The future is in God's hands, not mine. But if He wills, I think I will try to make a third Olympic Team in four years.


Anonymous said...

How about a major in teaching? I think you would be an awesome teacher!

Just an idea...

Leah said...

Hey Jenny! It's good to hear that you are back and doing well! I've heard there's a pretty good school in College Station, Texas. :)

Jay Hearn said...

Hello Jennifer,
I was just going through some old lists of "things to do", among them, was trying to contact you... Now, you have no reason to know me, but I had seen your interview on, and wanted to thank you. I cannot tell you how inspiring that was, to see a Christian like yourself, unashamedly claiming Christ's name in an immensely secular environment. It was like the proverbial ray of sunshine through the darkness. As you know, "the games" are surrounded with a lot of selfish ambition and godlessness... but to see you placing the Lord's will ahead of your own, and leaving your future in his hands... I must say, it was very moving.
Thank you for the inspiration and Christ-honoring principles that you conveyed to the world!

In Christ,
Jay Hearn. (on behalf of the many people who I passed the interview on to)

josephpeter said...

Praise the Lord Jenipher !
I am delighted you trust in the Lord for your life. Greetings from Kenya
Rev. Joseph Peter